Sunday 20 July 2008

Advantages of velomobiles

Velomobiles differ totally from existing vehicles that are known from everyday traffic. That´s why they need a lot of explanation - either it is a prototype or a product from a small scale production. In a closer sense, velomobiles are fully faired recumbents. They are constructed for everyday use and offer a full rain protection.

Why should I use a velomobile and what are the advantages comparted to a bicycle or to a car?"

One main difference between a velomobile and a standard bicycle rider is, that velomobilists almost use the same clothes in summer and winter time. This is one main reason for using a velomobile . There is no need to look out the window in the morning. There is no rain wear that hinderes cycling, and one can ride dressed in a fine suit. A good velomobile offers a proper ventilation that has to be well constructed. The direct relative wind is missing, but one can adapt the flow by opening the ventilation flaps gradually. The airflow is constant, but not as strong as compared to a bicycle. Therefore, the velomobile rider adapts his speed and sweating will be reduced in a velomobile. Using a normal bike, one stays dry due to the strong airflow at higher speeds. After a stop, there is no airflow any more and sweating is getting really strong. This is really awful if one has to cycle to work regularily.

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